Monday, May 7, 2012

Getting Back to Blogging

Many of you have followed along with Michael and I as we have have followed after God concerning Guatemala. Last year, this blog was all about our adventures in learning Spanish and living with a family that spoke no all. After we returned home, we realized that we had done more than pick up the local language, we had fallen in love with Guatemala. Now, I know Guatemala is not the place you think of falling in love, that is until you see this little girl. Now, you are falling in love too, huh? God beckoned us back to Guatemala with the opportunity to serve in children's ministry with David and Debbie Amsler. In Jan/Feb of 2013, we will, once more, get on a plane to go to a land, no so foreign anymore. While we are there we will be participating primarily in children's outreach. Our hope is to impact Guatemala for generations through the hearts of these young people. Join us as we follow God's sense of adventure, sense of humor and most of all, his sense of urgency.

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