Support Us

Why should I give?
Most people I know have a heart to help others. Often times, they just need to be given the opportunity to help. And they want to know that when they invest their hard earned money, they are getting a return on that investment. We strongly believe that missions is a worth while investment. 

God commands us to proclaim his name to the nations.Psalm 105:1Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. However, we all cannot pack our bags and head to another country. But we all can contribute.

When you give, through prayer or financial support, it is being credited to you. 
Phil 4: 17 Not that I (Paul) desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account. 18 I have received full payment and have more than enough. I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. 19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. In verse 19, Paul tells his supporters, "because you have given, God will meet all your needs". 

What exactly is my money going towards?
The money that supporters give to us will be deposited in an account for us at the church. The church then distributes that money to us on a monthly basis once we get to Guatemala. Donated money goes to a variety of expenses. It covers all our basic needs on the field, such as transportation, medical expenses, ministry expenses, etc. We are obligated to only spend donated money on budgeted items. Your money allows us to have feet on the ground, representing Jesus Christ, in another country

How much do you need?
Michael and I will be living in Guatemala for 1 year for our first assignment. While we are there, we will be working in full time ministry, along side David and Debbie Amsler. We will not have any other job besides the ministry.  Therefore, we are asking friends and family to help support us while we are doing the work of the Lord in Guatemala. The Assemblies of God require us to raise 100% of our pledges before we can leave. They have assigned us a field budget of $3,100 per month. This is the amount that AG anticipates that we will need per month to do ministry.

Why should I start giving now?
Along with a monthly budget, we also have a "kick off" fund , or pre-field budget to raise. This budget pays for things like plane tickets and immunizations and visas before we ever get to Guatemala. If you start your giving now, your monthly donation will go into the kick off fund until we leave and then will be applied to the monthly (field) budget. 

How do I give? 
You can do all your giving through the Assemblies of God website. They make it easy to give. It is a two step process. 

First, fill out this commitment card.

Second, use this link to make your donation online.

Is my prayer support REALLY that important?
Yes, Yes, Yes. While it is clear that we need financial support, we need prayer support just as much if not more. We believe that God has already prepared the donors that will take part in investing in what He is doing in Guatemala. We need the saints of God to do what only we can do, Pray. Please commit to praying for us while we carry the gospel to a nation plagued by false religion. Specifically, you can pray for our safety. There is a lot of violence in Guatemala. The police are corrupt and under the reigns of gangs. Pray that we will have favor and be effective as we preach the gospel to lost and dying children. Pray that God will open doors for us in the schools we go to and with the local government. Pray for the funding to come in so that we may continue to deliver the gospel. 

What am I getting out of this deal?
First, we promise to work diligently and effectively while we are on the field. We are not going to be on vacation. We are going to be getting you the most bang for your missions buck. We commit to doing all we can for the sake of the gospel.
Second, we promise to keep you informed. You will always know what is going on by following this blog and receiving our newsletters. You will know what is being accomplished through your giving.
Third, we promise to pray for you. Every Monday is our "pray day". On Mondays, we commit to spending time in prayer for your specific needs. Let us know particularly how we can pray for you. 

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