Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our missionaries, David & Debbie Amsler

I want to introduce you to our missionaries, David and Debbie Amsler. We met David and Debbie in 2010 when we first went to Guatemala. On our first trip to Guate, we were not looking to become missionaries. Our primary purpose on that trip was just to increase our Spanish language skills. God had other plans. While we were working on Spanish, we thought we would simply see if there were any AG missionaries close to us. We figured it would be cool to see how God was moving, in Spanish. So, before we left I sent David an email and told him that we were two kids from Indiana who wanted to see what God was up to in Guatemala. David received our request with open arms. In fact, he and Debbie went the extra mile and invited us to come stay at their house for the weekend and see what they do first hand. Which is pretty crazy. We could have been ax murderers! Nevertheless, the showed up at our doorstep in Guatemala took us to their place. We spent that first weekend with them soaking it all in. We had never seen real missionaries in action. We got the opportunity to go to church with them, do children's church on a Sunday morning and do a kids outreach with them. From the first weekend, we knew that we had a unique connection with both David and Debbie. The four of us felt like God was up to something but we did not know exactly what it was.
After we felt God tugging on our heart to return to Guatemala, the first thing we did was call David and Debbie and ask them to pray with us. Immediately, we all started seeking the Lord for our futures. What we did not know was that David and Debbie had been praying for helpers. See, the Lord opened many ministry doors for David and Debbie while they were in Guatemala. So much so, that the two of them could not do it all themselves. They needed assistants. Here enters Michael and Shannon.
So, while we are in Guatemala, we will be working directly with David and Debbie in their ministry, One Way Guatemala. David and Debbie were District Youth Directors for 14 years in Kentucky before God called them to the missions field. After being called, they spent one year in Costa Rica in language school and then began their term in Guatemala. During their first term, they launched One Way Guatemala which has affected thousands of children and families. They have participated in construction projects and disaster relief. They have partnered with their local church, Vida Cristiana and become leaders in their children and youth ministries. David and Debbie have vision to start a youth camp in Guatemala similar to the camps we have here in the states. They need many resources to make that possible but God is opening doors and providing greatly. We hope to be a major help in getting the camp off the ground.
Currently, David and Debbie are home doing fundraising just like us. The will be returning for another four year assignment in January of 2013.
We are grateful for David and Debbie and are looking forward to serving under these wonderful people. We are honored to be invited to work in their ministry.  They have so much to pour into us. We look to them as a great example of a couple in ministry.
Do you have any examples of great people in the faith that you admire?

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