Thursday, November 4, 2010

4 days and counting

We just landed in Rio Dulce, Guatemala. This is our last stop before returning home. This town is on the biggest lake in Guatemala. Near to here, is the ocean, but it cost nearly $50 to take a 20 minute boat ride to get to the ocean, so Michael and Shannon will not be visiting. One really good thing about this town is that it appears to be a big fishing town. So, Michael with his travel fishing rod has already started his prowl. Thus far he has caught a little blue gill type fish, but it had teeth, so its special.
We will be here in Rio Dulce for Friday and Saturday and then take our 6 hour bus ride to the capital on Sunday. Our flight leaves from the capital on Sunday in the afternoon. We are thrilled to be coming home to some comforts that we long for in America. I miss Chinese food and chocolate and hot showers. Michael longs for our space heater and a dry bed (the humidity here makes everything soggy). We are eager to continue learning Spanish but we are excited to be back home in a more comfortable environment. I dont think either of anticipated that amount of culture shock we would endure here. Not that things are so different, but its not home and you feel that after a while.
We have had the fortune to make some life long friends while we have been here. Thank God for facebook so we can keep in touch with all of them! God did some amazing things in our hearts and lives while we are here and I think we will continue to see the implications of this trip for years to come.,
For now, dreaming of chinese food and mountain dew. Four days to go!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!! Very excited that you two are having such a blast, but even MORE excited that you two are coming home soon!! Wow, Blue Gil with teeth... you could possibly cut down the largest tree in the forest with that! (Monty

    Praying for a safe flight back for you two!!
    Benjamight <><
