Monday, July 23, 2012

A Community of Prayer

Since I have started documenting our experience via the web, I have been posting for prayer requests. I have been amazed at the responses I have received. Often, as I read over Facebook profiles, I only see happy pictures and life going along as normal. Then, when Pray Day comes, people will start posting that they need a job or they are dealing with some pain in their bodies. It reminds me, all of us have our every day struggles and those things God is able and willing to touch. I have been honored as people have shared their prayers with us and allowed us to lift them up to the Lord. I plan on continuing to ask if anyone needs prayer because we are all encouraged to bare one another's burdens. Galatians 6:2 says,  Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. A simple way we can do this is by praying for each other. 

When we tell people about our ministry to Guatemala, one thing we promise to do is pray for them and we ask that they pray for us and the children of Guatemala. This way, we are creating a community of prayer. 

I have listed below some of the prayers that have been shared with us. Will you join our community of prayer by praying for one of these needs? 

Angel - Back pain
Becky - family issues
Tina - needing guidance for future
Aerial - asking for favor in finances
Mary Jo - chest pains
Andy - fundraising for ministry
Ciera - family health 

How can we pray for you today?

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