Sunday, September 26, 2010

Missing dad

As many of you know, I lost my dad back in February of this year. It has been a year of many changes because of him being gone. Some times I feel like I don’t miss him enough; like I should still be crying every day. Then other times, like now, I am missing him more than ever. This trip has been another stark reminder that dad is not here to share my life with. He is missing out on this adventure in my life. Honestly, I’m a little annoyed about that. I wish I could tell him about the little women with big baskets on their head and about the volcanoes and about how he would love the food here. But I cant. I can only thank God for the times I did have with dad and the stories I did get to share with him for 27 years. Dad would like it here. Its very casual and the people are warm and welcoming. There’s lots of spicy food for him to enjoy. He probably wouldn’t like the cobblestone roads, but he would enjoy cigarettes that are only a nickel a pack! Miss you daddy.


  1. You will at times carry that feeling of wishing your Dad was there for the rest of your life. My Mom passed eight years ago, and sometimes I pick up the phone and want to call her to this day! Grieving and loss are a process (sorry to sound clinical)and the feelings of that loss comes in waves. God doesn't want you to sit around being sad or feeling guilty by not missing someone all the time. That would be so unhealthy for you and you would be of little use to those around you! I never knew your Dad, but coming from someone who has adult children of their own, he would want you to enjoy and learn as much as you can down there and not worry about him.
    Your locale sounds like a wonderful place to be!

  2. I can only imagine how hard this is Shannon. There is a time to morn and a time not to morn, as the Bible says... I think you've done an incredible job of being strong for your mom when she needs you, and strong for yourself in moving forward with your life. I haven't lost a close relative yet (not looking forward to it), but I assume there will always be low moments in our life where we are reminded of the hole created from losing them.

    Don't feel bad for having a time of sadness... and don't feel bad for being able to move on, while not forgetting your dad. I'm sure your dad cheerished every minute of those 27 years, and I KNOW your dad wants you to live a happy and full life (an area I see you not lacking in at

    My heart and prayers are with you Shannon. Have a good morn, but don't hold back on Gods adventures for you two... I'm sure your dad is very much looking forward to hearing about his daughters adventurous life when you see him again.

    Praying for Comfort,
    Benjamight <><

  3. Thank you guys for the kind words of encouragement. You are right in everything you said! I know dad is happy for me and I like to believe he gets the best vantage point to watch my advantage. -Shannon
