Sunday, June 9, 2013

We have arrived in Guatemala!!!!

Posted by :Michael Skyles

Well everyone, we are here after almost 2 years of prayer and preparation! Praise God we are in Guatemala!Thank You, Thank You, GRACIAS! for all of your help and support to make this day possible! We arrived in Guatemala City Very late on Friday night, we where welcomed with open arms and the customary kiss on the cheek by probably 20 people from vida christiana. (our new home church). we are SOO grateful to have the support of such wonderful families here in Guatemala city. It truly makes this adventure all the more rich knowing we have such great friends and family here.
     After we loaded up all of Dave and Debbie Amslers luggage,the luggage of  Another great young lady named Kaylee from Illinois who will be interning with Dave and Debbie(D&D) for 2 months while she is on break from college. and then our own luggage, we hit the road and headed to the town of naranja ( or Orange in English ). This is where our new house is. We walked into our new house (I will post pictures later ) where adella vargas and some friends from the church had covered the house in balloons and streamers for yet another warn welcome and celebration!
      Yesterday we all slept in late after our long journey.When we woke up we headed to the Walmart here. since the last time we where here 3 years ago, Walmart has built a ton of stores here in Guate. They truly are taking over the world LoL. anyways, we got some essentials and headed to the mall to get our phones situated and grab some much needed lunch, it was a great day and a productive one, but I have to admit my brain is fried from operating in Spanish speaking mode!
     Today was our first Sunday back at Vida Christiana. Wow, what a wonderful presence of God and what a warm and wonderful group of people. while the  service was starting we had the opportunity to make a visit to the upstairs part of the church where they have childrens church. and this service ( 1 of the 4 services) had about 70 kids in it. Marvin the youth director brought us up on stage and gave us the opportunity to say thank you to the kids for all of their prayers. and Gave us the chance to tell them how much we love them and that we are so excited to be a part of their lives. then all the kids came up on stage and  everyone of them hugged us and greeted us, wow what a special moment. This is what it is all about, building relationships with these beautiful kids and their families and having the opportunity to be a part of God pouring into their lives.
    Tonight we will be visiting another church just down the street from our house in zona 7. This is a church that we will be spending a great deal of time with as we all partner together to make a difference in Guatemala. We are very excited to visit and get to know our new friends there.
      Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and we will definitely keep you in ours. also, please be sure to follow our blog as we head out on this year long journey. We will be adding stories often and I hope that you will enjoy reading about our adventures here in Guatemala! Thank You!

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