Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beans and Bananas

WELL folks!2 very important things happened this week! The First was, Duh-duh-duhhhhh, the dreaded Beans and bananas! LOL  and Believe it or not it was pretty good. in fact we have had it twice this week and we both enjoyed the meal. The other VERY important thing that happened this week was last sunday at church. You could say that we had a mini Burning Bush experience, but please have patience, and i'll get to that in just a little bit. it starts off with our trip this last weekend.
Guatemala City
      We went to visit the AG missionaries stationed in Guatemala City, David and Debbie Amsler.  They were really great people and they welcomed us with open arms. We enjoyed an entire weekend of speaking English! It was not good for our Spanish progress but it was good for our spirits.  On Friday night they took us to the local mall. It was huge! Probably nicer than Circle Center in Indianapolis. We went to go see a movie. They have a VIP movie theater. It was fabulous. Like a regular theatre on steroids. In this theater, there were leather recliners with little tables and little lights. You want some popcorn, no problem, there is a waiter there to take your order. The only thing missing was a massage and Im sure I could have convinced somebody to do that! The best part of the whole deal…the tickets only costs $8! Watch out Regal, you have some competition. I cant believe we don’t have this in the states. Im thinking of a new business model for when we get home!
On Saturday we visited the center of the capital. There were some cool fountains and old buildings. It was very pretty. We ate at Wendy’s, you know the usual. We also visited the market while we were there. The market in the capital is a little different than ours in Antigua because its more organized and a little cleaner. It was also cheaper. Where we are staying in Angtigua, it is chocked full of tourists, so everything is a little more expensive. We bought a cool instrument while we were at the market too.
Saturday night, We went to the Church where Debbie and David help out with the youth group. They were practicing for an outreach they are going to be doing at the end of the month. It was really amazing to see that these youth were so similar to our kids back home. We couldn’t understand half of what anyone was saying but we recognized their hearts immediately. It was a church filled with Adults, youth , and children who love each other and Love Jesus. We got to practice a little with the youth and quickly made some new friends. that night we talked and talked and talked with David and debbie about the mission feild and how God called them there and WOW, what a cool testimony. They also have missionary assistants staying with them. A young couple about our age that have a set of twin girls that are 1yr old. and again got to learn what thier ministry looks like for them and how God has called and used them. It was an amazing experience to see real missions in action. Here we are 2000 miles from home hanging out with real missionaries. that sounds a little weird to say that, but we it was truely amazing. these people have left their family and friends and are here being the hands and feet of Jesus far from home. and they let us be a small part of their lifes for the weekend. Well, on to the Burning bush experience. Sunday morning we went to church with them. and in a small warehouse there are 3 services totaly full adding up to a total of about 1000 people, we heard God clearly speak new life into us. We felt God say that this is the time where our new life begins, whether that's in Guatamala, china or in downtown indianapolis I have no idea. But I do know that God definitly restored a desire in us to continue in the ministry. How exciting! We went to 2 services that day, the first was the adult service and the second was a TOP notch children's service where we got to help out and minister with probably 50 kids. we got to (in broken spanish) pray over the kids and love on them. it was awesome. our new friends David and Debbie are so kind they are having us back this next weekend and we will get to do an outreach with them, we are sooo excited.
Well, this current blog is a bit long so i'm going to wrap it up. but I want to add that we are about to finish our 4th week of classes tomorrow! isn't that crazy! so we have 2 more weeks left of classes and then we are off to travel GT for a week!and then we'll see how much spanish we have really So in just over 3 weeks we will be home! We love and miss you all and thanks for your prayers, we really feel God moving in our lives and showing us some new things. We are definitly looking forward to what God has planned for us in the near future, and we are also looking forward to seeing all of you. We will add more to our blog very soon.
Nos Vemos,

Miguel Y Shannin


  1. Fun, fun, fun... so exciting to hear God answering your prayers and questions. Amazing... guess He really means it when He said He's everywhere at once, because I KNOW He was with us on Sunday too (2,000 miles away from you

    I have to TOTALLY admit, I REALLY hope He's not calling you both far away from me, but I know that where God wants you, is the best place for you to be. I'm looking forward to all the stories, pictures, and/or clips you two will have when you get back. Make sure you have some kind of a "Back Home" party at some point (after you've had a little recovery time of course).

    Looking forward to your next post,
    Benjamight <><

  2. The Beans and Bananas look a little scary. At first I thought it was chocolate, lol. If you learn how to make it, I will try it. =)

    Excited to hear how God spoke to your hearts about the ministry. Shannon I will REALLY miss you if God calls you away. Ultimately, it is all about God and not all about me. =)

    I look forward to hearing more.

    God bless and protect,
    Aerial Allen <><
