Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Way Guatemala

We spent another weekend with the Amslers! We feel such a connection with these guys. They spoke a lot into our lives and we are hoping to have a lasting friendship with them. They are very passionate the youth of Guatemala. They came to Guatemala as missionaries after 16 successful years as District Youth directors in Kentucky. When they got here, they joined with a local AG church and started supporting their youth and childrens programs. Along side of that, they started a childrens program called One Way. One Way goes into the public schools and presents a gospel message to the children. This is really ground breaking because there are not many programs/churches trying to reach the public schools. God has given them favor and has opened doors for One Way to go places that others have not. Through their church and other established programs, they have met some Guatemalans with immense talent and love for the Lord. They are all partnering to help reach the children of GT. On Friday night, we got join with them for a One Way service. A local church has been doing "small groups" for kids who are unchurched or unable to be churched. The church invited One Way to come do their program. Here is a clip of a song we performed at the service. It will help you learn your spanish body parts. Obviously, I didnt know half of them....
We only have two weeks of classes left and I am finding it difficult to finish strong. I am getting tired of learning Spanish and really just want a mountain dew and my space heater. The Lord has not given us clear definition of our next steps but we know our current step is to learn Spanish so we need to stay focused on the task at hand. Please pray for our brains!
Here is a picture of an amazing flower that grows wild here. we would have buy it and store it in a green house , but here, it grows in everyones yard. It is called a pajaro, which means bird. You can understand why.

And finally for some fun words we confused in Spanish:

Michael meant to say: This is my maestra (teacher)
Michael actually said: This is my mujer (woman)

Michael meant to say: I will pagar (pay) for that
Michael actually said: I will pegar (punch) that

Shannon meant to say: I need more ponchos (blankets) in my bed
Shannon actually said: I need more panchos (men) in my bed

Shannon meant to say: I have ten dolares (dollars)
Shannon actually said: I have ten dolores (pains)

On Wednesday, we are hoping to go to Pacaya. Its one of the biggest and most active volcanoes here. It should be really cool. Here is a picture of Volcano Fuego. This one looks down at us every day, threatening to explode and cover us in ash. Its very active but the lava flows out the other side so we cant see it from Antigua.

1 comment:

  1. LOLOLOLOL!!! "I need more men in my bed"... that is SO funny!! I bet the people living over there love having us "goofy" American's come over, if nothing else, but for a good laugh.

    I can totally understand becoming mentally drained from what you're doing. That is a lot of "new" to take in over such a short period of time. I bet you both are very glad you did some practicing/training before you even left, so it wasn't 100% new (only 95%...lol).

    I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you both when you get back. Be safe, be encouraged, and don't give up... you're on the home stretch! I imagin your nice dry bed is going to feel like a bed made for a King (and Queen) when you get back! lol.

    Don't get swallowed by a valcano,
    Benjamight <><
