Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Missions while doing missions

It's hard to believe that we have been in Guatemala more than a month already. Starting on Friday, One Way will  receive our first team from the US. We have three teams coming back to back during the month of July. Each of the teams will focus on evangelism in the schools. We will also host a medical clinic and work on a construction project to build a children's wing of a church. Michael and I are excited to work with these teams from the US. The last team in July is coming from Alabama and they have 65 people in their team! Wow! God is going to do great things through these teams!
When there are no teams coming, the focus of OW is support local children's ministry. Last Sunday at Vida Kids (the Sunday School program at our church), they were learning about missions. In fact, Vida Kids will host a 4 part series on missions. On Sunday, we were focusing on Africa. Wow. It was unbelievable to watch the children of Guatemala become inspired for missions. The children learned about the food and people and culture of Africa.
They also learned about how important it is that we make disciples of every nation. I learned that, for the first time in history, there are more missionaries sent out from Latin America than from North America! How exciting to see God working across the globe to reach his people! It was an awesome opportunity to inspire the children. I believe that God was sparking missions in the hearts of children on Sunday. I am excited as the kids will learn about Asia next week!
What a great opportunity the Lord has given us all to talk about missions no matter where we live in the world. God cares about everyone and desires that every tribe, tongue and nation comes to know him.
Please pray for the children of Guatemala to be raised up by the Spirit of God so that they can spread the gospel around the world!